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What are the Key Benefits of the SilkPeel Dermal Infusion ?



The SilkPeel Dermal Infusion procedure offers a number of benefits beyond conventional microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Some of the key benefits include:
-Can be used on almost any skin type
-No down time. You can return to work or other activities immediately after the procedure
-Can be performed over a lunch hour – this treatment typically takes just 20-30 minutes
-Some results after the first treatment, but gradual results with ongoing treatments
-Rehydrates dry skin
-Deeply exfoliates and removes the top layer of skin made up of dead cells
-Treats acne and helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars
-Can buff away fine lines and wrinkles

-Vacuums away dirt, oil and impurities
-Lightens and corrects hyperpigmentation and evens out skin-tone
-Corrects sun-damage and helps protect against free-radical damage
-Treatments are customizable through the use of different topical solutions. The esthetician will decide which topical solution to use based on your most important skin needs and concerns.

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